Автор Тема: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.  (Прочитано 6633 раз)

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #1 : 11 Май, 2011, 21:11:57 »
Для начала я бы хотел прочесть вопросы от недавно назначенных модераторов: что просто непонятно, что непонятно вообще? Что требуется освоить в первую очередь? Я и Седой - постараемся пояснить доходчиво.

Вопросы могут касаться как форума и его разделов, так и всего ресурса - фото галерея, статьи и т.п. (добавление, удаление, редактирование).

Оффлайн Шишмарев

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #2 : 12 Май, 2011, 07:01:18 »
Денис, здравствуйте!
Для начала неплохо бы получить какое-то формализованное руководство к действиям. Оно наверняка выглядит как общепринятое  стандартное  руководство к модерированию тем на сетевых форумах и затем уже двигаться дальше исходя не из здравого смысла , как сейчас вначале , а  изучая и постепенно приобретая опыт и навыки. И при этом ... здравый смысл тоже надо обсуждать
С уважением Александр
« Последнее редактирование: 12 Май, 2011, 08:06:40 от Шишмарев »
Шишмарев Александр Тихонович, Новосибирск
Шишмаревы, Бурдуковские, Аршинские, Плюснины, история казачества Западного Забайкалья

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #3 : 12 Май, 2011, 21:50:46 »
На самом деле все логично и просто. Главное понять суть инструментария.

Создайте в к-л разделе пару тем с тестовыми сообщениями и попробуйте применить весь инструментарий.
Вы же видите внизу страницы в темах:
    Переместить тему |     Удалить тему |     Заблокировать тему |     Прикрепить тему |     Объединить тему
... экспериментируйте!

Также, напротив каждого сообщения, справа,  имеются:
    Цитировать |     Изменить |     Удалить |     Разделить тему
... экспериментируйте!

Я чуть позже присоединюсь с комментариями. Может Седой подскажет Вам чего из своей практики...

А вот еще... Скажите, с английским языком у наших модераторов как? Чтобы не терять время на мой перевод, может заглянете в документацию?
Ссылка: http://docs.simplemachines.org/index.php?board=6.0;sort=subject

When to Moderate

When and how to moderate is a decision each administrator must make. Some forum administrators will not permit swearing and may modify a post or reprimand a member for foul language. Others do not permit verbal attacks on other members and will delete the post or reprimand the member.

Reprimands may be a public post warning the offending member, a personal message, or even a ban from the forums.

To help members and staff be informed administrators can display rules in sticky topics, and their registration agreement. Sticky topics are be effective for rules of certain boards as they stay at the top of the board they are stickied in. The registration agreement will greet new members and force them to agree to abide by its contents before they can join. The registration agreement can be changed through the registration section of the administration center.

In many cases the most difficult part of moderating is attempting to be impartial and consistent.

Modifying Posts

Often posts are modified. Usually a forum will give permission for all members to edit the posts that they made, and moderators will be able to edit everyone's posts including their own.

There are two methods of editing a post, the "normal edit" directs you to a posting page where you can edit the post. "Quick Edit" allows you to edit the post inline, but you will not see the buttons for automatically placing Bulletin Board Code in your posts and will need to manually enter the bulletin board code in your posts.

Normal Edit
To modify a Post or thread, click on the button that says "Modify". Make any necessary changes and then click "Save".

Quick Edit
You can perform a quick edit without refreshing the page by clicking on the pencil on paper icon located at the right of every post. This will popup the post box, once you click on the "Save" button you will see the change instantly.

Deleting Posts

Sometimes inappropriate posts will be made on forums. A post can include inappropriate content or is just spam. You can delete whatever posts you like with two methods:

Deleting Individual Posts
To delete posts one at a time, go to the Post that is to be deleted and click on the button that says "Remove" located to the right of the title of each post. You can also remove an entire topic including all of the replies by going to the bottom of the topic and clicking on the "Remove Topic" button.

Deleting Multiple Posts
Before you're able to delete multiple posts at the same time, you'll have to enable checkboxes. Follow the directions below to enable checkboxes.

Profile > Look and Layout Preferences

To the right of "Show quick-moderation on Message index as", you'll see a drop-down box. Click on that box and click on the option that says "checkboxes." Now, go to the posts to be deleted and check the box in the upper-righthand corner of each Post that you wish to delete. Upon checking the box on each individual post, scroll down to the bottom of the thread and click on the button that says "Delete Selected".

Moving Topics

If a Topic has been posted in a Board that does not relate to the subject, you can move the Topic to a more appropriate Board. To move a Topic:

Go to the thread that will be moved and click on the button that Says "Move Topic". Upon clicking the button, you'll see a page with several options and several different places and ways to move your topic. If you'd like to Post a redirection topic, check the box that says "Post a redirection topic."

A redirection Topic includes (by default) the original name of the thread along with a link to the Board it was moved to and a link to the newly moved topic. By default, redirection topics are locked. If you'd like to change the name of thethread that is being moved, check the box next to "Change the topic's subject." You'll then see a field where you can enter a new subject. Doing that, you can also opt to make all of the posts' subjects match that of the new subject by checking the box next to "Change every message's subject." Now all you have left to do is select the Board to move the Topic to and then click on the button that says "Move Topic".

Mass Moving Topics
If you run into a case where there are a bunch of topics you would like to move out of a board you can mass move topics from one board to another board, by going to the message index of a board and using quick-moderation.

Before you're able to move multiple topics at the same time, you'll have to enable checkboxes. Follow the directions below to enable checkboxes.

Profile > Look and Layout Preferences

To the right of "Show quick-moderation on Message index as", you'll see a drop-down box. Click on that box and click on the option that says "checkboxes."

Now go enter a board and you will see checkboxes to the right of every topic. Check the boxes for the topics you wish to move and then go down to the bottom of the page where you see a dropdown. Select "Move Selected To" and in the next dropdown select the board you wish to move the topics to.

Merging Topics

Sometimes there might be two (or more) similarly related Topics posted. You can merge the Topics into one by:

Going to the Topic to be merged. Click on the button at the bottom of the Topic that says, "Merge." Select the "Target Board" by clicking the drop-down box and selecting the Board which contains the Topic that the original Topic will be merged with. You'll now see a list of the available topics that you can merge the topic with. Browse through the pages until you find the right topic. Once found, click on the button to the left of the Topic name that says "Merge." From there, you can change the subject of the fully merged Topic to either of the topics that will be merged or you can select your own. This can be done by clicking on the drop-box and editing the content as you wish. Upon selecting a new or pre-existing subject, you can make it so that all posts in the newly merged Topic share the same subject by checking the box next to "Change the subject of all the messages." When you've confirmed the settings you changed, click on the button that says "Merge Topics." From there, you can go to the "Message Index" or to the "Newly Merged Topic."

If quick moderation checkboxes are enabled, you can merge any selected topics on the same Board directly from the message index. To do so, check the boxes next to each Topic you want to merge, then select "Merge Selected" from the drop-down box at the bottom of the page.

Splitting Topics

Moderators can split Posts made in Topics. This means they can take Posts made in Topics out of the Topic and have the selected Posts in the Topic form a new Topic. To split Posts from a topic:

Go to the Topic with Posts that should be split. To the right of every Post, you'll find a button that says "Split.". Clicking on the "Split" button next to a Post will direct you to a screen that asks you what type of split you want to make. There are three options you can choice from.

The first option: Only split this Post, will only take the Post that you clicked the split button next to out of the Topic and have that Post become its own newly created Topic.

The second option: Split Topic after and including this Post, will split the Post that you clicked the split button on and all of the Posts made after the selected Post and create a new Topic with those Posts.

The last option, Select Posts to split, will take you to a screen where you can select all of the Posts you want to split out of the Topic. On the Select Posts to split you will see two columns. The first one has all of the current Posts that are not currently selected to be split from the Topic. To split a Post, simply click on the arrow pointing towards the right column, and you will now see that Post on the right column where all of the Posts selected to be split from the Topic are placed. You can undo a Post you had previously selected to be split, by clicking on the arrow pointing to the left column, moving it back to the left column with the Posts currently not being split from the Topic are.

When you've selected the boxes of the Posts to be split, click on Split Topic. You'll then have the option to either go to the Message Index, return to the Original Topic, or visit the New Topic.

Оффлайн ГригорьевАвтор темы

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #4 : 13 Май, 2011, 21:16:26 »
Я сделал "Тестовый форум", https://predistoria.org/forums/index.php?board=45.0 - видимый только Главным модераторам. Создавайте там темы, сообщения, удаляйте их, объединяйте... Это будет учебный плацдарм.

Оффлайн ГригорьевАвтор темы

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #5 : 16 Май, 2011, 18:22:00 »
На тестовый форум не стоит ничего переносить с основного форума. Он ведь тестовый!!! Он для того, чтобы Вы сделали 21 тему и попробовали удалить 3 темы, объединить 2 темы, заблокировать 4 темы, перенести 5 тем в иное место и т.д. Это как черновик, как полигон, как...
Сделайте там что угодно - этого никто не увидит, и тренируйтесь там...


1. Сделайте 5 тем.
2. Сделайте по 4 тестовых "бла-бла-бла" сообщения в каждой теме.
3. Удалите несколько сообщений.
4. Объедините две темы...

Ваше предыдущее сообщение имеет ссылку https://predistoria.org/forums/index.php?topic=122.msg3420#msg3420 , где 122 - это ID.

Не бойтесь экспериментировать в тестовом форуме. Но, чтобы начать эксперимент - заготовьте себе несколько черновых тем с сообщениями - это делается за 3 минуты.

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Re: Учимся модерировать форум, ресурс.
« Ответ #6 : 04 Ноябрь, 2011, 23:12:35 »
Обращаю внимание администрации форума.
Активирована (разрешена) опция "Восстановление удаленных тем".

Я сделал раздел "Корзина", доступ к которому есть только у следующих участников:
Седой, Шишмарев, Шестаков.

После удаления темы (намеренного или случайного) ее можно будет восстановить. Удаленная тема автоматически попадает в КОРЗИНУ. Восстановить (или окончательно удалить) тему может только администрация, например, по просьбе участников.